Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ryanair emails and free ideas

I don't ever remember signing up to receive offer emails from Ryanair
but they arrive almost daily, to the point where Ryanair looks

This evening I clicked the link to unsubscribe and was bemused to read
that a further email would be sent to confirm that I had been
unsubscribed when a simple message on the page telling me I'd been
removed is all that was needed.

Here is some free business ideas and advice to both Ryanair and Easyjet.

Ryanair have announced that it will soon be possible to make mobile
telephone calls in flight, Ryanair making money by providing the
connection. Ryanair have finally seen the opportunity to tap into
having a plane full of customers to sell other products and services
(other than tea and Pringles) to on the flight so the could....

Put in screens on seat headrests with access to 30 minute tv shows for
a small fee per show.

Offer on the screens access to the Argos catalogue (and other stores)
so people can order goods while in flight (Ryanair get a cut of the

Offer me a free flight paid for by advertisers putting targeted
interactive adverts on the screen in front of me.

And finally ... Make it possible for a passenger to book a hotel and
travel while in flight (and take a cut of that transaction). ... TV
screens in headrests don't have to be only about delivering